Walter Gropius – master of modern architecture

A portrait of Walter Gropius
A portrait of Walter Gropius

I wanted to write a longer post on Walter Gropius today but time and events have conspired against me and this is going to have to be brief. I hope to write a little more another day covering a wonderful exhibition of Bauhaus material in Manchester a number of years ago.

Walter Adolph Georg Gropius (May 18, 1883 – July 5, 1969) was a German architect and founder of the Bauhaus School who, along with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, is widely regarded as one of the pioneering masters of modern architecture.

For more go here.

Walter Gropius House
Walter Gropius House 1938

For more on the Walter Gropius House go here.

Impington Village College is the only building designed by Gropius in the UK.

Impington Village College
Impington Village College 1939

Impington Village College is a remarkable achievement and influenced the design of school buildings in subsequent generations. Designed by Walter Gropius and Maxwell Fry it was later described by Pesvener as one of the best buildings of its date in England, ‘if not the best’

For more information on Impington go here.